The Cliburn

Piano competitions are intense. 

The small muscles of the hands and fingers share the same physiology as the large limbs, so pianists face the same issues as Olympic athletes—razor thin margins of error, high-emotions, ungodly nerves. The precision alone brings out the thrill of an Olympic skater landing a triple axel perfectly.

But piano contestants have an additional burden: producing high art. They must lead the audience into sublime emotions, intense fascination, phenomenal beauty—and the great ones do it, arousing great passion in the audience for the performers.

For Light Sonata, I had in mind a piano competition much like The Cliburn. It is held every four years and contestants enter from all around the world, representing the best of the best. The planning and execution of such a competition, especially to launch one. 

The movie above might give you a richer sense of Charlie’s presence on the board, the social and political milieu, and the high stakes involved in what he is trying to help Rupert win.

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